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„Hörð“ Apache indversk vegglistaprentun

Venjulegt verð 277,00 NOK
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„Hörð“ Apache indversk vegglistaprentun

Við kynnum glæsilega svarthvíta ljósmyndaprentun okkar sem ber titilinn „Fierce“, sem fagnar styrk og seiglu frumbyggja kvenna.

Þessi prentun fangar kjarna stoltrar amerískrar indverskrar konu, með höfuðið hátt og ákaft augnaráð sem geislar af krafti og ákveðni. Hin sláandi andstæða svarts og hvíts undirstrikar smáatriðin í hefðbundnum fatnaði og skartgripum hennar og undirstrikar fegurð og auðlegð menningar hennar.

Prentað á hágæða pappír úr safnflokki, með mattri áferð, þessi prentun er hönnuð til að endast alla ævi. Að auki, njóttu ókeypis heimsendingar á kaupunum þínum.

* Efni:
- Pappírsþyngd: 170 gsm / 65 lb
- Sendt í traustum umbúðum sem ver veggspjaldið

 Veldu þína stærð:

30 x 30 cm / 12" x 12"

40 x 40 cm / 16" x 16"

50 x 50 cm / 2"0 x 20"

* Þú munt fá einn líkamlegan prent.

* Athugið:  Rammar fylgja ekki með

  • Fljótleg og ókeypis heimsending
  • Bretland og Írland Áætlaður afhendingartími 3 - 7 dagar
  • Heimsferðir - 4 - 10 Dagar




🙎‍♀️ 24/7 KUNDASERVICE info.jandjinteriors@gmail.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Vivienne S Naylor
WOW! Outstanding art & service!

I wish I'd discovered this website earlier. We've been renovating our home for the last six months, so I've been scouring the internet for unique art that would suit our style. I don't like the generic stuff at all and wanted something a little different. I saw this amazing piece, and decided to purchase it for our hallway. Almost every time someone comes in, they comment on it, asking where it's from. I absolutely adore it! it gives our hallway a modern and unique designer feel. I'd love to buy the full set, but haven't found a place for all 4 pieces yet. Honestly, it's a real showcase piece. I placed my order on Saturday, and received in on Tuesday. I'd previously bought some decor from this site and was equally impressed, so I thought I'd see what the art was like. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I highly recommend it!

HI Vivienne.

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you are loving your new artwork.
We take pride in offering unique and high-quality pieces. Thank you again for your support and for choosing our products for your home decor. It means the world to us.

May Henderson
Stunning art

Just wish I had gone for the larger size but it's still beautiful.

Daniel Pierce
Excellent quality!

They arrived in 4 days. Packed securely in a cardboard tube with tissue paper to protect the prints. Super high definition. I love that they're so unique. The customer service lady I spoke to was great, she helped me decide what to go for & what sizes I needed. I'd definitely buy more from this shop.

High quality !

I love this ! Tempted to get the full family set :)


Its amazing. I'm going to buy a matching print to go with it. I adore it!