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Jasmine and Jade Interiors

Hummingbird Mobile - 2 litir

Venjulegt verð 277,00 NOK
Venjulegt verð 388,00 NOK Söluverð 277,00 NOK
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Hummingbird Mobile - 2 litir

Hengdu Hummingbird Mobile auðveldlega upp úr lofti, tjaldhimni eða flugnaneti til að bæta heillandi og fjörugum blæ á hvaða leikskólaherbergi, stofu eða svefnherbergi sem er.

Hvítur, Brúnn

Stærð: 34 cm (13,34") U.þ.b

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🙎‍♀️ 24/7 KUNDASERVICE info.jandjinteriors@gmail.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tracy Bell
So pretty!!!

I've bought a few things off this website and I haven't been disappointed once. I like that they have unusual items that I haven't seen anywhere else and the designers are really nice and helpful .. I love the nursery deco. I'll be back for more as my daughter is pregnant and I need to buy lots more for the little one.