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Jasmine and Jade Interiors

Minimalískt glerhengiljós

Venjulegt verð 1.248,00 NOK
Venjulegt verð Söluverð 1.248,00 NOK
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Minimalískt glerhengiljós

Þessi áberandi ljós geta aukið útlit hvers innra rýmis. Slétt glerhönnun þeirra og nútímalegur stíll skapa hlýlegt, lúxus andrúmsloft. Þau eru fullkomin til að lýsa upp rými með fágaðri, fágaðri útliti.

Einstök hönnun og tímalaus fagurfræði gerir það að skraut sem verður vel þegið um ókomin ár.

* 2 litavalkostir:

Amber gler

Smokey grátt gler 

* 2 Stílvalkostir og stærðir:

Hengiskraut -  H29cm x B25cm
Loftljós -   H17cm x B25cm

* Innhald pakka:

1 x Minimalist glerhengiljós

1 x E27 pera

 * Rafmagn: Rafmagn –  Spennu: 90 - 260v

* Efni: Járn + hert gler

* Athugið: 

Margir litir eru örlítið breytilegir eftir stillingum skjásins.

* Vottun: CCC, ce, ROHS

Vinsamlegast athugið: Þessar ljós þurfa að vera sett upp af kvalifíseruðum rafvirkja.

🙎‍♀️ 24/7 KUNDASERVICE info.jandjinteriors@gmail.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Maria Piotrowski
Just the right size

Quality workmanship. I'm very pleased with the quality.

Thank you Maria. We're so happy you like it.

Anna Fèvre
Tout comme la photo

belle lumière

Christine J

Looks beautiful up


Really lovely. It arrived sooner than I expected. Thank you!

Carla Timpson
Beautiful lamp!

I recently purchased this minimal lamp and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. It's amazing - the glass is of excellent quality, the design is strong and sturdy, and it adds a beautiful touch to my living space. The sellers were incredibly nice and kind, and their communication was prompt and helpful. I was pleasantly surprised by the fast shipment, Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and would highly recommend it to others.