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Jasmine and Jade Interiors

Raunhæfur risastór Plush Toy Giraffe

Venjulegt verð 791,00 NOK
Venjulegt verð 929,00 NOK Söluverð 791,00 NOK
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Raunhæfur risastór Plush Toy Giraffe

* Eiginleikar:
Lífrænt plusk leikfang með fallegum merkingum og raunsæjum smáatriðum
Vírbeinagrind umkringd mjúku plusk efni til að hjálpa hlutnum að standa trausta og viðhalda líkamsstöðu.
Hægt að þvo yfirborð
Handunnið af alúð


Plush Giraffe - Hæð 120cm
Plush Giraffe - Hæð 100cm
Plush Giraffe - Hæð 80cm
Plush Giraffe - Hæð 60cm
Plush Giraffe - Hæð 50cm
Plush Giraffe - Hæð 35cm

* Efni: PP bómull. Vottun: CE/EES samhæft

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🙎‍♀️ 24/7 KUNDASERVICE info.jandjinteriors@gmail.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Teresa Fox
Just fab!

Great price and made a brilliant gift for my sons 5th b'day. He absolutely adores it. It comes wrapped up small but when you open it up its full size.

Lovely giraffe

The realistic giraffe is so sweet. Delighted.

Miina Sharma
Love this company for kids decor

The 🦒 is great. My nephew jumped on it as soon as he saw it. It’s obviously not strong enough to sit on but it stands up sturdily and can be bent to sit or stand . I’m now a fav aunt 😁

Great & faster than expected delivery time

We were excited to receive this. We've almost finished painting our baby boys room and went for an animal theme. it is perfect! I can't rate thss company enough. They went above and beyond to keep us updated when I emailed.

J. P. Watkins
The perfect gift for my new grandsons room

I bought the large giraffe for my daughter to put in the nursery for my grandson. He's too young to appreciate it yet but I'm sure it will bring him years of joy. It looks brilliant and it's pretty sturdy. The only downside I'd say was is the packaging could be improved, so only 4 stars from me.