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Jasmine and Jade Interiors

Scandi glerhengiljós - 3 litir

Venjulegt verð 1.194,00 NOK
Venjulegt verð 1.687,00 NOK Söluverð 1.194,00 NOK
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Scandi glerhengiljós 

Lýstu upp heimilið þitt með Minimalist Scandi Glass Pendel Lights . Þetta fallega safn býður upp á nútímalega hönnun með keim af nútímalegum stíl, fullkomið til að bæta stíl við hvaða innandyrarými sem er. Njóttu ókeypis heimsendingar með kaupunum þínum.

* Glerlitir: Gegnsætt, Amber, Rykmóður grátt

* Stærðir:

Þvermál 23cm - Skuggahæð 7,5cm - Hengiskírhæð 150cm (stillanleg)

* pera innifalinnJá - LED ljósapera

* Orka: Mains Orka - Spennuflokk: 90-260V

  • Efni: Gler, Burstað málmur
  • Athugið: Meðan á glerframleiðsluferlinu stendur geta smávægilegar ófullkomleikar komið fram. Þetta er fullkomlega eðlilegt. 

* Vottun : CE

Vinsamlegast athugið: Þessar ljós þurfa að vera sett upp af kvalifíseruðum rafvirkja.

🙎‍♀️ 24/7 KUNDASERVICE info.jandjinteriors@gmail.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Great purchase

I bought 1 of these in amber to go above my dining table. It looks really lovely. I would buy again

Caroline Musk
Just perfect

We purchased 3 amber glass lights. our concerns about them being glass and surviving shipping were uneccessary. They arrived in perfect condition, earlier than anticipated and look absolutely gorgeous. They look very high end.

Alana S. Therman

I was a little nervous about purchasing 3 of these lamps to go above my kitchen island. But after speaking with the designer, she helped me to choose the correct lighting to tie in with my existing decor. I'm so impressed with the customer service in the UK and the lights (which are absolutely stunning, they're amazing and my favorite part of my kitchen ) I'd happily recommend this site to all of my family and friends in a heartbeat. Thank you so much for your help x ( I'll post photo's soon )